Apr 25Liked by Kat Farrell-Davis

Love the stories of our family. <3 Toads/frogs will always = Grammie to me. I've got her preschooler sized frog friend at the top of my staircase now. <3 Lovely words, cousin!

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And what is frog's name?? I forget. ... Frog? My most cherished pastime is sitting around listening to our family members tell stories. Love you Jilli-B

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Apr 25Liked by Kat Farrell-Davis

Beautiful Kat. I too just released a post on the Pink Frog moon πŸ’—πŸΈπŸŒ•

I'm a fellow frog lover!

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Get out! Frog lovers for life <3 Pink Frog Moon - a most holy day

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β€œMotherline.” I love this. It suggests straightness, but when you think of the thread being wovenβ€”anything but. Just like our stories. Our mothers. Ourselves.

The stories in my family are less layered. My family has always been good at talking, addressing problems, transparency. But, they’re still tangled.

Thank you for the invitation to stay-with the knots, follow where they sprawl.

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These are the stories that draw me in, Christianna - the open alongside the tangled. Getting into another pair of shoes and imagining all the factors that might have influenced an ancestor or family member. Cheers to the unknotting and the weaving alike <3 Glad to be here with you

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Apr 25Liked by Kat Farrell-Davis

So much of what you shared about motherhood deeply resonates with me. I've been thinking so much about those same pieces that make up a mother, all of the different layers of who we are (or who we're "allowed" to be out in the open). The parts of us we hide, the parts of us we push away, the parts we don't even realize informs who we are as mothers because we're too afraid to speak the truth. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Kat. Hollering over here! ;)

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Currently sitting with some of those big t Truths in my writing... a truly wild, heart-opening experience thus far. Grateful for the inspiration your work offers in this realm. Thank you for the holler! Howl on.

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So many pieces to reflect on here… thank you xxx

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